Someone from our staff will be in touch as soon as possible. If this is an urgent matter please call the number below.
7 Barnes Industrial Road South.
Wallingford, CT 06492
T. 203 269 3599
F. 203 269 1980
We are located off of Route 68 in Wallingford or if you come in by way of Route 5 you can find us by locating Wal-Mart and then go through their parking lot to the back and at the traffic light, go straight across the street to Barnes Industrial Road South. We are the second driveway on the right.
If you are coming in from Route 68, we are all the way to almost the end of the road on the left. You will see our ACORD sign above our building.
NOTE: Please be specific if you use your GPS and do not put in our NAME because it will give you directions to our OLD location at 8 Fairfield Blvd.